Sunday, February 26, 2012

What's Love Got to Do With It?

A couple of weeks ago, as counselor specializing in relationships and marriage, I was asked on a local TV program to talk about the Five Love Languages developed by Gary Chapman in his book, "The Five Love Languages". The main idea is that of the five love languages (gifts, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, and acts of service) one and perhaps a close second is the way we prefer to be loved and indeed when we are loved in these ways, feel the most significant and cared for. We find we can rank these from 1 to 5 in importance, number one being our prefered love language and number five just not speaking to us.

Very often, couples will choose their polar opposite in terms of love language preference which can set up a bit of disconnect.  I end up loving you in the way I want to be loved and if its at the bottom of your list, I  may completely miss the mark. When this occurs, it may be that the way your spouse desires to be loved is the very thing that's most uncomfortable or difficult for you. This turned out to be true for Tim and I. Wouldn't you know that my love language was "gifts" which he ranked as fifth on his list and his love language was "acts of service" which, you guessed it, ranked lowest on mine.  Now to cut each of us some slack, we were totally unaware of this discrepancy. We were merrily going down the path of marriage loving each other in our own love we wanted to be loved. Now, it wasn't awful. Good things were happening, but there was some disconnection, disappointment, and maybe some feelings of being unappreciated and misunderstood. Fortunately we discovered the concept of love languages early on and it really brought a new level of understanding. We had to step out and learn to love the other in the way they desired. Interestingly enough, over the years our love languages have shifted toward the other. The places that were difficult became a joy...once we understood what touched each other's heart.

Something really struck me one day when someone compared loving God to loving our spouse when the question was posed, "What if we decided to love our spouse in the way that we wanted to love them and not how they have expressed the way they desire to be loved?" If my spouse felt the most loved when I showed affection, and this was the way they wanted me to express love to them, what if I said, nah, I'm not comfortable with that. I'm going to love them the way I want to. How do you think your spouse would feel? How would you feel if that's how your spouse loved you? How would that bode for the relationship? I am discovering that often we love God in the way that we want to and not how he has expressed how he wants to be loved in the scriptures. 

 How does God want to be loved? As I look back over my life there are several ways I thought God wanted to be loved. In our love relationships, so often we think of love as a feeling and part of my definition included if I had "that loving feeling" towards God. But you know how that is, sometimes I just didn't feel those same feelings or keep that "high" I would get after a particular experience or time of closeness or answered prayer.  I also thought of love in terms of being a loving person doing loving things toward others. Love my neighbor. (Sometimes I would go overboard when I would get into my "people pleasing" mode.) Loving God also included Bible study, prayer and quiet times.

Yeshua (Jesus) tells us,"If you love me, you'll obey what I command" (John 14:15) and "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my father and I too will love him and show myself to him." (John 14:21,22). John (the disciple beloved by Christ) wrote again in 1 John 5:3, "This is love for God; to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome".

When Yeshua was asked in Matthew 22:36 "Rabbi, what is the greatest commandment in the Torah?" he quoted Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18 when he replied, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" This is the first and the greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Torah and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

What does it mean to obey His commandments? What commandments? Then I was struck with the fact that when Yeshua and John spoke the definition of loving God, the New Testament had not yet been written. Yeshua was referring to the Torah  (First five books of what we have called the Old Testament) in his reply to the question of the greatest commandment. Torah is translated as "law" in the New Testament which turns out to be a poor translation. Instead of "law", the more accurate translation is "Torah" which means teaching or instruction.

I also remembered that John said in John 1:1 that Yeshua is the Word of God and was with God in the beginning. Yeshua, therefore is the whole of scripture. If I want to know how to love God, I need to start at the beginning where Yeshua refers us.

Torah in ancient Hebrew means:
Tav: cross, covenant or sign of the convenant
Vav: Nail or tent peg, to secure
Resh: person especially the highest person, head
Hey: Reveal. At the end of a word hey can mean what comes from or out of, belonging to
Torah: The covenant secured by the highest person revealed or that which comes from the highest person nailed to the cross.

(For ancient picture language, scroll down to the end)

Recently, I learned that a better translation of the word "commandment' is "Mitzvah" in Hebrew. Mitzvah means "obligations that bind us to God", like superglue, or on the same team. There are different types of Mitzvah, but all are about being in relationship. These also includes statues, precepts, judgements and ordinances. Only through observing these Mitzvah can we build a deep, enduring relationship with God, forging the bond. Mitzvah performance creates a deep connection between God and us.

God's commandments are for those who are in a covenant relationship with Him. They are instructions for how to live in relationship with Him and with each other, and with ourselves. It's like our marriage vows. In the beginning you don't fully know the other or even how to really love your spouse. But as you grow in your understanding and knowledge of the other, your love and commitment deepen and you have a greater desire to love them, especially how they desire to be loved, even when it's the most difficult for you. 

Psalm 119 (all 176 verses), which David wrote, describes the life, joy, light, truth, and delight (to name a few) that result from following God's commandments, statues, judgements and precepts.
Consider Psalm 119:12-20
"Blessed are you, O Yahweh; teach me your Statutes. I have declared your judgements with my lips; I have rejoiced in the way of your Testimonies (recorded witness) as over all riches. I will meditate in your Precepts and I will regard your paths. I will delight myself in your Statues. I will not forget your word. Deal bountifully with your servant that I may live, and I will keep your word. Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your Torah. I am a sojourner in the earth; hide not your Commandments from me. My soul is crushed for longing for your judgements in every season.

And Psalm 119:1
Blessed are the upright in the way, who walk in the Torah of Yahweh. Blessed are those keeping his testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart."

I discovered that Torah also means, "hitting the mark" like a bulls eye on a target and sin means "missing the mark". This gives a whole new understanding to 1 John 3:4 where John says, " Whoever commits sin also commits Torahlessness and sin is Torahlessness. It is God's desire that we obey His Mitzvah, His Torah that we may know Him, love Him, know what He is doing and going to do in the future, know how to love others, and know how to live in a way that gives the greatest provision and care for ourselves. (Like how to eat healthy and how to stay out of debt, to name a few.) I had been missing the mark in many ways.

A huge area, besides the 10 commandments, that I discovered that are God's statutes forever (appointments, commandments, decrees) are the Lord's Feasts which include the Sabbath (weekly appointment) and the 7 Feasts (4 Spring, 3 Fall) described in Leviticus 23. These are set times that God has established for us to meet with Him where He has promised to show up. They are His appointments and rehursals where He reveals Himself more fully, reveals His plan and purpose and lets us know what He has done, what He is doing and what He is going to do.  They are weekly, monthly and yearly cycles that continually bring us back to how to get right with God, ourselves and others. They promote self reflection and repentance which bring us back into proper relationship with the Father as well as with others and ourselves.

I had studied the Feasts along the way in Bible studies and always thought they were so interesting and gave a deeper meaning, especially to the death, sinlessness, and resurrection of Yeshua. I understood how the Spring feasts were about Yeshua's first coming and had some awareness that the fall feasts were about his return to set up the Kingdom of God on earth. But what I completely missed was that these were His set appointments to meet with Him and by "doing" or celebrating them, I was showing up, showing my love for Him. This really grieved me. It was like finding out that my husband had been waiting for me on our anniversary every year or for our special weekly date and I wasn't showing up! For our whole marriage.

When I discovered this, I went about learning how to celebrate the feasts and began celebrating. There is such a difference on every level between just knowing and doing! As I celebrated I was stepping into a new realm of understanding and awareness that I was participating in something profoundly larger than my life (to say the least). And I really had to step out and believe God.

This fall was my first time celebrating the feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. It is a week long celebration and God instructs us to build sukkahs or little shelters/tents outside to eat and perhaps sleep in. It is a remembrance of how the Israelites tabernacled in the wilderness with God when they were delivered out of slavery in Egypt, how Yeshua became flesh and dwelt with us (dwelt means tabernacled in Hebrew) and how we will tabernacle with God the Father and Yeshua when His Kingdom is restored and set up on Earth forever.

We built our little sukkah on our deck and even invited some friends and family to share a meal.  When I first began building it I felt a little bit like Noah must have felt. (By no means an equal comparison!) I had some doubts, feeling a bit foolish even crossed my mind.(Good grief, what will the neighbors think?) But the more I built and then stepped into the tabernacle, bearing this witness to God on earth and in obedience to Him was profound. He showed up just as He promised. My faith was enlarged by doing, not merely knowing. Our relationship grew more intimate. I was commemorating what God had done in the past and remembering (lest I forget) and rehearsing what is to come in the future. I was joining millions today and countless millions through the ages for 3500 years! God is all about celebrating. It brings a fuller sense of joy, life and purpose!
(I understand that these feasts are celebrated in Heaven with the angels.)

Loving God by learning to obey His commandments is not about perfection or salvation. It is about relationship. It is about loving our Creator in the way that He desires. And we are told that God's commandments are not burdensome. But I may need to learn to love Him in the places that are the hardest for me. And this is the main point! I am discovering that Love has everything to do with it!

The first Spring feasts of the year are Passover, the feast of Unleavened Bread and Feast of First Fruits. Join me in showing up and celebrating these set times with our Father.

TORAH- TVRH (Hebrew uses no vowels) In ancient Hebrew:

Tav- cross, covenant, sign of the covenant

        Vav- nail or tent peg, to secure

 Resh- person especailly the highest, head

Hey- reveal. At the end of a word Hey can mean what comes from or out of, belonging to

TORAH= The covenant secured by the highest person revealed or that which comes from the highest person nailed to the cross.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Shadows of the Messiah in Shabbat (Sabbath)

I noticed I felt a wisp of sadness last evening when the Shabbat (the Sabbath) came to an end. I experience more and more the profound significance of this weekly appointment with our Father, Abba. Especially this Sabbath, coming on the heels of the death of our close friends' son and nephew, the lessons of Sabbath bring comfort and rest.

One of the many excellent resources on line,, offers a study called "Shadows of the Messiah in the Torah". In their study of the Sabbath, they offer some wonderful insights into this weekly meeting with Adonai. (The Torah is the first 5 books in the Bible, Genesis through Deuteronomy.) The Sabbath isn't about what day your worship God, as we can worship
Him every day. The Sabbath is the day that is set apart for rest but so much more.

Here are some thoughts from the study:

Like all of His appointed times, the Sabbath is both a remembrance and a promise/prophecy.

The Sabbath is a Remembrance:
It is a remembrance that God is the creator of all; that He created the heavens and the earth in 6 days.
(Genesis 2::1-3)
It is a day to re-enthrone God in our lives (Ex 20:8-11)
It is a remembrance that God is our King and our Redeemer. He brought Israel out of slavery in Egypt. God redeems us from our slavery to sin bringing us new life. (Deuteronomy 5:15, Romans 6:22-23)

Sabbath means intermission, to repose, rest. In Hebrew the word is Shabbath, reading from right to left: Sheen-Beit-Tav

Beit ("B")                                                                            Sheen ("S")

                 Beit-Sheen, "Shuuv": repent or return

Tav ("T) : cross, sign or mark of the covenant
The Sabbath calls for us to return to the cross.

The Sabbath is a Promise of Provision:
 He will take care of us if we honor His Word. God used the provision of manna in the wilderness to show the  Israelites that He would provide. The manna was provided for 6 days with a double portion on the sixth day to provide for the 7th day as well, the day of rest. (Exodus 16:4-5)

The Israelites were undergoing training in faith. Isaiah promises that if we put aside our own will and hold the Sabbath in delight, we will find joy in the Lord and be provided for. (Isaiah 58:13-14) Yeshua (Jesus) tells us in Matthew 6:25-34 not to worry about what we eat or what we wear, but to look to our  Heavenly Father to provide and to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. The Sabbath was made for us to learn to trust in God's provision.

What did Yeshua do on the Sabbath? He attended Synagogue, healed and did good deeds, ate and fellowshiped. The Sabbath is a day to love and show love to each other, fellowship together and learn about God.

We are promised God's Rest
God promised rest to the Israelites in the wilderness. That rest was to be found in the Promised Land. The promise to us is to enter God's promised land, the salvation offered to us through faith in Yeshua. (Hebrews 4:1-3)
As we rest on the Sabbath, we are reminded that salvation does not come by our own works but by faith. Salvation only comes from God. (Psalm 62:1, Ephesians 2:8-9) The Sabbath is a time to rest in our salvation.

The Sabbath looks ahead to the Rest we will have in His Eternal Kingdom

We have a Sabbath rest to look forward to.
Hebrews 4:9-10   There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his.

Revelation 21:3-4  And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be His people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

The Sabbath is a time to look forward to and rejoice in the eternal kingdom to come when God will live with men.

Ezekiel 20:20: Hallow My Sabbaths, and they will be a sign between Me and you, that you may know that I am the Lord your God"

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Digging in the Dirt

When I turned 50, Tim asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I told him that I always wanted to go (on my bucket list!) on an archaeological dig in Israel. He granted that wish! Off I went, through the University of Nebraska to work at the Bethsaida site in Israel. Nebraska? Yes, Nebraska.  A leading Israeli archaeologist teaches there and leads expeditions every summer. You might remember that Bethsaida was the fishing village on the Sea of Galilee where Peter and Andrew lived.

Our group stayed at the Ginnesart Kibbutz on the Sea of Galilee. Yes, it was everything you might imagine it to be. The sights, scent, sounds and food provided vivid imagery of 1st century life in Israel. The wonderful thing about the Galilee is that little has changed scenery-wise from when Yeshua (Jesus) walked along the sea.

Every morning we would wake early to get our digging in before the summer sun became too uncomfortably hot to work. We would arrive at the site around 6AM. There were two sites you could choose from, one from 1000 BC around the time of David (the Kingdom of Geshur...the king was the father of one of David's wives) or the fishing village of Bethsaida from Yeshua's day. I chose Bethsaida! It was here that Yeshua healed the blind man with His spittle.

We used a small pick to loosen an area of dirt where we were working, transfer our dirt to a bucket which was then gently "sieved" and objects caught by the sieve were reserved. We would break for breakfast around 8:00 which included fresh Turkish coffee and then finished the day's work and headed back to the Kibbutz by noon. After a wonderful lunch in the hotel kitchen, we would get cleaned up and have a pottery reading at 4:00PM. Here our Archaeologist, Dr. Rami would "read" the pottery and other artifacts to identify our "finds". There was some pretty exciting stuff!

What was the most amazing thing is that as we sifted through the dirt, we would find  remains from multiple centuries. The "finds" just at our site would include pottery shards from the 9-10th Century BC, cooking pots from the Roman era of Yeshua's (Jesus) day, pottery from Greece in 5 BC, an Islamic juglet jar from the 9th century AD, and a bullet from the 1967 war! Such a depth of history in one digging place.
Here is some of our crew at Bethsaida:

Pottery readings


I've been digging in another treasure trove recently called the Hebrew language. But believe me, I've only scratched the surface so far! I've not only been exploring the modern Hebrew but also unearthing the ancient Hebrew which is a picture language used by all Semitic people prior to 1200 BC. Why you might ask? That is a really good question.

First, it made sense that if I was going to study the scriptures from a Hebrew view point, I needed to know more about the Hebrew language. Beginning to explore this alone brought new understandings. For instance, in our English alphabet, the letter A or B doesn't mean anything in of itself. These letters are put together to form words that mean something. But in Hebrew, each letter means something and the AMAZING thing is, each letter in each word gives a fuller understanding of the word itself.

The Hebrew alphebet started out in the form of pictographs with each character representing a specific picture. Words were constructed by putting pictures together illustrating a characteristic of a word creating layers of rich understanding in every word. And the miraculous thing is that the modern Hebrew letters and words mean the same thing as the ancient picture language.

In English we read the text from left to right but in Hebrew the text is read from right to left.
For example, the Hebrew word for "sign" which first appears in Genesis 1:14 is "owt". In modern Hebrew it looks like this: ( aleph-vav-tav reading from right to left):

Tav (T)                                                        Vav (W)                                       Aleph (silent)
Hebrew is spelled without vowels. Vowel sounds are added to the text with points.

Here is the word "owt" or "sign" in the ancient Hebrew picture language which Moses would have used (read from right to left):

Tav means sign, cross                        Vav means nail,                  Aleph means           
covenant, seal                                     to secure                           ox, strong leader

Put all together: "The strong leader is nailed or secured to the cross."
How much we miss when we read our Bible just in English and what a rich depth is uncovered when we examine the ancient Hebrew language!

We could conclude that God the Father really wanted us to "get" that His greatest sign would be One who was a strong leader nailed to a cross that would secure the covenant.
What an awesome God we serve!

Here are some great links to learn more:

And for some great video series:
Mark Biltz at El Shaddai Ministreis gives a weekly presentation on each Hebrew letter. This link is to the study of Aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Below is the beginning of a series on how the Hebrew language is found embedded in all of God's creation.

You can order the series here: